Driveway mix is a specifically crafted and carefully balanced mixture of different aggregates including sand, gravel, and crushed stone that result in an economic and reliable hot mix asphalt.
3/8" Roadway and Parking Lot Mix is the most frequently used mix for roadways, driveways, and parking lots.
Base and Binder Mixes are a coarser grade of blacktop containing a higher percentage of larger stones. These larger stones increase in stability when added to the asphalt mix and also raises the load factor the surface can endure before breaking or cracking.
This mix is required and certified by the NYSDOT for use on major highways and roadways.
Posillico is proud to offer Green Patch as a certified Green Patch Producer at both Farmingdale and Holtsville locations. Green Patch is a revolutionary high performance cold patch product designed to repair and maintain roadways while utilizing RAP and sustainable additives. Posillico offers the preferred high performance cold patch product and the only non-toxic VOC permanent cold patch product.