On October 24, 2019, Posillico, Inc. opened the world's largest contaminated soil washing facility. The Wash Plant was created in response to the history of illegal contaminated dumping that has plagued Long Island. By taking in the contaminated soil, the Wash Plant will help prevent further illegal dumping, while also recycling the material for reuse after it has been cleaned. The Wash Plant can recycle up to 90% of the contaminated material through the washing process, while reducing the contaminates into as little as 10% of the original volume. The Wash Plant is a closed-loop system, using its onsite wastewater treatment plant to clean the contaminated water. In two months of startup, the Wash Plant processed over 60,000 tons of petroleum contaminated soil from Harbor Isle, which was cleaned to meet the NYSDEC Part 375 Unrestricted Use soil cleanup objective.